Our network of non-profits have pre-arranged agreements with your creditors. When you sign up with our debt management program you are offered the opportunity to decrease your interest rates guaranteeing that more of your monthly payment goes to your balances rather then paying high costly interest rates. in return Effectively getting you out of debt in a two to five year period instead of the average thirty-five years of payments.
One benefit of a debt consolidation repayment plan is it will stop you from getting these harassing phone calls from your creditors as long as you make the new, lower monthly payments.
The debt management program benefits you if you have high interest rates or have higher credit card bills than you can manage. Also, some people would rather make just one payment each month to one company that takes care of all their monthly debts
Debt Management has less of impact on your credit score when compared to many other debt solutions.
By consolidating your different unsecured debts into one low payment, you are using the same payment, if not a lower one, to actually reduce your debt load in a fraction of the time. In doing do you are increasing your credit score, by reducing your debt-to-income ratio.
Also, after regular payments have been established for several months, approx. 6 months, you are still able to apply for credit (Example: a car loan, home mortgage, etc...)within 6-12 months.
Now that you have an idea about Debt Management. Click and fill out our Analysis request form
Want to see if you qualify for our program? Think we can help?
call us at: (866) 665-3328
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The Credit Counseling Program primarily benefits consumers who have accumulated a minimum of $3,000 in
unsecured debt and are now stuck paying high interest rates making it impossible to payoff the principle in a reasonable amount of time.